The Establishment of “Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership”

Created At: 2023/1/17

Together with the media and advertising industries, We has established a non-profit mutual benefit corporation, “Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership (OPCIP)”.

Originator Profile technology is a mechanism for providing a secure Internet environment and is intended to be a Web standard to be adopted by browsers and other applications. It makes it easy to identify quality news articles and media that are third party verified. It will provide verifiable information about web content authors and advertisers. By increasing the transparency of content creators and distribution channels and enabling the identification of trusted sources, it helps increase the value of responsible, quality articles and media.

Under the supervision of Keio University “Cyber Civilization Research Center (CCRC)” and cooperation from the major Japanese advertising companies, OPCIP will conduct technological development and demonstration experiments for the practical application and social implementation of Originator Profile technology. Based on the feedback received, OPCIP will further develop the system and implement it in society and propose open-source implementation and specifications to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the standardization body for web technologies. In parallel with standardization activities at W3C, OPCIP will continue its efforts to contribute to the development of a healthy Internet by making proposals and cooperating with the Web content industry, online advertising industry, browser vendors, and others around the world.

Overview of the OPCIP